小時候依稀記得母親提過她有一位堂姐鄭漢英(我應稱她為表姑)是空軍飛行員,但除了一張模糊的照片外,其他一無所知。卻沒想到,日前竟然收到加拿大的女作家Patti Gully的信,她將表姑鄭漢英的生平寫成書:《Sisters of Heaven 》,中譯本:《飛天名媛—中國第一代女飛行家三人傳》,且這位女作家及她的朋友為表姑重修了墓碑並經常前往墳前獻花致意。這世界真奇妙,透過一位素不相識的外國人,讓我的尋根之旅越來越豐富了~~~
鄭漢英(1915~ 1943),母親的堂姊,廣東寶安(今深圳市)西鄉人,中國第一位女律師鄭毓秀的侄女。她是中國空軍第一位女官—飛行中尉,加拿大第一個持有國際飛行執照的女飛行員。鄭漢英與其嫂、上世紀20年代名噪一時的上海電影明星李霞卿,堪稱中國最早的航空先驅姊妹花。那個年代,女子騎自行車的尚屬鳳毛麟角,開飛機近乎天方夜譚。
鄭氏家族出飛行員,可稱為飛行世家 Family of Heaven

應該是三姨與三姨夫或是四舅與四舅媽? 這張照片是在母親過世後才在她的遺物中找出來的,母親生前說三姨很年輕過世,而四舅於飛行事故中死亡,因此這張照片裡的人物究竟是誰,盼望有一天,有幸遇到母親寶安鄭氏家族後人能予指認
Revealing lost stories
In Burnaby’s Ocean View Burial Park lies the unmarked grave of a mysterious woman with an extraordinary past: Flight Lieut. “Jessie” Hanying Zheng.
Born in China and educated abroad, Zheng was one of three female pilots sent to North Americaduring and leading up to the Second World War. Their task: to raise support and money for China, which was under Japanese attack.
Zheng was a pioneer in her own right. She was the only woman officer in the Chinese air force and the first Chinese woman to take flying lessons in Hong Kong. An overseas love affair and the birth of a child brought her to Vancouver, where she lived until her death at age 28.
She was given a military funeral of honour, and her coffin was carried through the streets. Divisions of the Royal Canadian Air Force played The Last Post and fired volleys into the air as her coffin, draped with the Chinese flag, was lowered into the earth. But for all the pageantry, Zheng lies in an unmarked grave beneath a patch of grass. Why she was buried in Burnabyis still a bit of a mystery.
Zheng is one of three women featured in Sisters of Heaven: China’s Barnstorming Aviatrixes: Modernity, Feminism, and Popular Imagination in Asia and the West, a new book by Patti Gully.
Gully spent seven years researching the book, rescuing the female pilots from obscurity. Gully took Mandarin lessons to help decipher the clues she found. The women in her book became like daughters to her and exemplified success in the face of adversity, she said.
“They’re profoundly modern women, especially coming from a land where a lot of the women’s feet were bound,” she said. ” (The) women rose above and were an inspiration to all kinds of people to help the war effort.
“They are amazing role models for women today, as they were at the time,” said Patti Gully, author of “Sisters of Heaven”.
加拿大女作家帕蒂哥莉(PattiGully)用七年時間撰寫Sister of Heaven這本書,通過大量研究重現這段幾乎為世人所遺忘的歷史,並向世人展現這三位中國最早的航空之花傳奇的人生,特別是國難當頭之時她們勇敢飛翔的壯舉與愛國情懷。書中還揭秘她們不為世人所知的情感掙紮及私人生活……
很意外的,日前竟然收到原作者Patti Gully的來函,她已和她的朋友重修了墓碑,且經常前往墳前獻花致意,以下是她的來函:
I’m sorry I cannot speak Chinese and must write in English. My name is Patti Gully, and I am the author of the book, Sisters of Heaven, that tells the story of 鄭漢英.
Last night I was so surprised to find your family digest and delighted to read that you are related to 鄭漢英: http://daddytoday.com/our-stories/family-digest/sisters-of-heaven/
For many years, I have been looking for her family and am very happy to have found you.
I don’t know if you are aware, but 鄭漢英 now has a grave marker. It was paid for by two fine gentlemen, the son of her lover, Wilfred Seto, and his cousin, Brandt Louie. This year, my book was translated and published in Guangzhou 《飛天名媛—中國第一代女飛行家三人傳》 and I was able to include that information and a photo of the grave marker. Just yesterday, I visited 鄭漢英 with a Chinese friend named 谢昂 — he designed her lovely grave marker. We lit incense, said prayers and left flowers. Attached is a photo I took at Qingming 2012. It was the same day I received the first Chinese copy of my book so I took it to the cemetery to show her that the Chinese people will now be aware of her courage and sacrifice.
The grave is just a few minutes’ walk from my house, and I thought you might like to know that, although she is far from home, she is always cared for and remembered.
By the way, I am happy to say you look very much like her!
Warm regards,
Patti Gully